00 90 850 220 35 09
ISO 19011:2018 Internal Auditor
ISO 19011:2018 Internal Auditor
2 days course for any industry and exam session
Hizmet Açıklaması
This is a course about Guidelines for auditing. Internal auditor course objectives are: - It is for organizations or individuals who have established or want to establish the management system. - To explain the principles and system audit stages - How to determine the adequacy, suitability and effectiveness of the Management System established within the organization. - To train an in-house system auditor, 2nd party and supplier auditor for this purpose. This course is designed, prepared and presented by Lead Auditor Fatma İnceoğlu who has more than 10 years auditing sector in the world. Internal auditor course is the first step for your career in your professional job experience. This course is not enough to be auditor. Being auditor require more practice on auditing and experiencing situations in various cases. We try to explain auditing basics, give examples from some situation to understand each requirements on ISO 19011:2018 standard. Do not forget to get the training of the standard you will audit in your organisation or suppliers. ISO 19011:2018 international standard is concentrates on internal audits, supplier and customer audits. Internal audit is first party This training can be used as a guidance and can be useful to organizations involved in auditor training or personnel certification. This course also have some exam and assessment to complete and get participation certificate FROM Udemy. Audits conducted by organizations on their external providers and other external interested parties are known as second party. If you want to learn third party audit you should review ISO 17021 and ISO 17065. Pre-requistes: 2 days standard course should be taken before internal auditor course.
İptal Koşulları
You can book for: 1- Our planned session of training, 2- Training, consultancy or audit according to your desired schedule, 3- Web or mobile application monthly or yearly plan. To get service from our Company, online or offline payments have to be proceed without any problem. Then we will send you our Company confirmation to approve your service. When you want to cancel any booking or paid service please contact us at least 24 hours in advance. Very important notice: It will be difficult for us to refund for cancellations made in less than 24 hours. We can undertake to refund after charges (20%) have been deducted.
Kişi Bilgileri
FDE R&D Food Engineering Services, Necip Fazıl, Ümraniye/İstanbul, Turkey
00 90 850 220 35 09