Food Allergen Management
16 Hours
About the Course
FOOD ALLERGEN MANAGEMENT FOR FOOD BUSINESS OPERATORS Allergen topic is very popular topic for health and fitness programme and food safety programme. There are two different disciplines for allergen. One side is from health care, another side is diet and safety. We are dealing only with food allergens. This course is designed for whom want to manage allergen programme in food and packaging manufacturer. The reason we wanted to prepare this training is that when we ask the employees in food and packaging businesses about allergen, they still talk about dust and pollen allergy. Allergen management is the core requirement on labelling regulation in the world as an pre-requiste programme and key clauses on all food safety management standards (IFS, BRC, FSSC 22000, ISO 22000, SQF, AIB etc). Code of Practice on Food Allergen Management for Food Business Operators has been updated and it requires that All personnel involved in the production, manufacture, preparation, handling, distribution, retail and service of foods should understand their role in allergen management and the food safety implications of the presence of undeclared food allergens. This includes temporary and maintenance personnel.
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Your Instructor
Fatma İnceoğlu
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